My Story

My work and social justice impact has always been at the critical intersection of education and public health.

As an undergrad, I thought my studies in Medical Anthropology and Public Health would lead me into clinical work. However, I became fascinated by the non-biological determinants of health; the complex interaction of social, cultural, political, economic, and other realities that shape our access to and experiences with health and healing. The more I learned about and witnessed real public health work happening in the world, the power of education kept emerging as a critical tool for health promotion and harm reduction/prevention. I was brimming with inspiration, curiosity, and conviction.

Ultimately, I saw K-12 school systems as sites for the most potential impact, so my public health and social justice practice took me to the classroom. As a teacher and instructional leader, I worked with teams of educators, administrators, health experts, and other key stakeholders to lead the implementation of a variety of projects and programs aimed to improve student health and wellness, including social-emotional learning, comprehensive health education, culturally responsive/sustaining pedagogies, LGBTQ+ inclusion, and more. During this time, I received my Master of Education in Instructional Leadership at University of Washington to grow my skill set in managing institutional and instructional change.

After nearly a decade of impacting youth health and wellness from the classroom, I transitioned to the education and public health nonprofit worlds to engage in systems change at a broader scale and focus more holistically on program development and management. To further grow my skill set in addressing the health needs of youth, I received my Master of Public Health in Population and Family Health at Columbia University, with a focus on research, policy advocacy, and program planning for adolescent sexuality, sexual, and reproductive health and rights.

With this unique set of skills and experiences, I am able to effectively support organizations in developing knowledge, structures, and systems to promote sexual health and wellness at scale. As a lifelong learner, I am eager to apply what I know to new challenges and contexts. I look forward to working with you as we do our part to make this world a better place!

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Academic Degrees + Training

Master of Public Health (MPH)
Population + Family Health
Columbia University

Developing service-based research, policy, programs, and advocacy campaigns to foster sexuality, sexual, and reproductive health and rights

Master of Education (MEd)
Instructional Leadership
University of Washington

Leading organizational change using adult learning theory, instructional coaching, action research, and implementation sciences

Dual Bachelor Degrees
Medical Anthropology (BA)
Public Health (BS)
University of Washington

Applying a human rights perspective to investigate key global health issues